A man selling his laptop on Craigslist was the victim of a robbery in Irvine. Xavier Parnell, 24 and Matthew Davis, 22 contacted a seller of a laptop on Craigslist. The pair set up a meeting with the victim at an Irvine park to purchase the computer. When the victim showed the laptop, Parnell reached into his coat and pulled out what appeared to be a handgun. Parnell demanded the seller handover his computer and when the victim complied, the men fled in a car driven by Davis.
Detectives from Irvine tracked the pair down in Dana Point and conducted a traffic stop pulling the men over. A black replica handgun was found in the car but the laptop had already been sold to a 3rd party. Officers were able to retrieve the laptop and arrested the pair for robbery, conspiracy and petty theft.
It is unknown at this time if either man has an Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney and when they are to be arraigned in court.
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